Hi, Ed Nalle here. In case we haven’t met, I’m a founding member and the lead vocalist of GLAD. Let’s get this blog started!
I resisted using social media for years. I only established a personal Facebook page in the summer of 2016 when our longtime drummer and vocalist, John Gates, went to be with the Lord. I wanted to post something about John and hear what others had to say about his life. Reading what others wrote about John and our group that he was a part of for 30 years was a blessing to me and to many others.
I love these words John’s wife Patti posted to Facebook on the one-year anniversary of his passing:
“Today in music history, John Gates met Jesus face to face. And I know that the choir of angels in heaven sounds that much sweeter with my Bud’s amazing voice joining in, as he lays it down, in the pocket, keeping perfect time — where there is no time — until we meet again. Remembering you with only love, Bud. ❤️ July 20, 1952 – July 8, 2016.”
Spoken poignantly, like the faithful musician’s wife and fine singer Patti is in her own right.

Going forward, I plan to share more about John, his long tenure in Glad and his love for the Lord. His passing was a watershed event that moved me to want to share more of GLAD’s history.
God’s Gracious Plan
I can say wholeheartedly that anything good accomplished during GLAD’s career was a direct result of the Lord’s unmerited favor. Our story as a band is a testimony to God’s grace.
When we started the group in 1972, we had a desire to serve God, but it was mixed with pride. When I look back on those early years, I’m amazed that we stayed together. We were originally formed, while still in college, to do Christian music, but there weren’t many opportunities for bands that played Christian rock music in the northeast at that time. So we played whatever gigs we could find—college dances, wedding receptions, proms—anywhere we could be heard.
To progress from those early years to recording 23 albums and doing concerts for tens of thousands of people each year had to be God’s gracious plan for us. We had no master plan, and we didn’t deserve all the good things that God had in store for us. We made our plans, but God directed our steps.
This will take some time—perhaps years. Lord willing, I will post once a week. Sometimes it will be history, sometimes a song, a story about a song, or a brief devotional. I’ll try to make it interesting! I hope to glorify God and magnify his grace as I share what God did in and through the ministry of GLAD.